September 13-14

Venue: Zagreb Faculty of Law, Vijećnica, Trg Republike Hrvatske 14


THURSDAY, September 13

Registration (8:30)

Introductory words and opening of the Conference by the Vice-Dean of the Zagreb Faculty of Law and the representative of the CEENJ’s IAB (8:50 – 9:00)

Panel I: Legal Science (9:00 – 11:00) [moderator: Adam Dyrda]

Ivan PADJEN (University of Rijeka, Croatia), Systematic Interpretation and Re-Systematization of Law: The Problem, Co-Requisites, A Solution, Uses ¦abstract¦

Zuzanna KRZYKALSKA (Jagiellonian University, Poland), Reconstruction of a Legal System by the Legal Doctrine ¦abstract¦

Marin KERŠIĆ (University of Split, Croatia), Fundamental Character and Indeterminacy as Characteristics of Legal Principles in the Discourse of Croatian Legal Science ¦abstract¦

Jolanta BIELIAUSKAITĖ (Mykolas Romeris University, Lithuania), Language of Jurisprudence: Tendencies of the Development of Scientific Legal Discourse in Lithuania ¦abstract¦


Coffee break (11:00 – 11:15)

Panel II: Adjudication and the Role of a Judge (11:15 – 13:15) [moderator: Matija Žgur]

Marijan PAVČNIK (University of Ljubljana, Slovenia), Zwischen der Skylla der Beständigkeit und der Charybdis der Veränderlichkeit der Rechtsprechung ¦abstract¦

Jasminka HASANBEGOVIĆ (University of Belgrade, Serbia), On the Antique Origin of Montesquieuian Idea of Judge ¦abstract¦

Bartosz WOJCIECHOWSKI (University of Lodz, Poland), The Fundamental Premises of Judicial Communicative Competencies ¦abstract¦

Matej AVBELJ, Janez ŠUŠTERŠIČ (Nova Univerza, Slovenia), Conceptual and Empirical Approach to Judicial Ideology – the Case of Slovenian Constitutional Court ¦abstract¦


Lunch (13:30 – 15:00)

Panel III: Methodology of Legal Theory (15:00 – 16:30) [moderator: Bojan Spaić]

Bruce ANDERSON (Saint Mary’s University, Canada), Method in Legal Theory ¦abstract¦

Miodrag JOVANOVIĆ (University of Belgrade, Serbia), Beyond Conceptual Analysis? Towards the Prototype Theory of Law ¦abstract¦

Tomasz GIZBERT-STUDNICKI, Adam DYRDA (Jagiellonian University, Poland), Is the Analysis of the Concept of Law a(n) (Im)modest Conceptual Analysis? ¦abstract¦


Coffee break (16:30 – 16:45)

Panel IV: Antinomies, Gaps and Argumentation (16:45 – 17:45) [moderator: Mario Krešić]

Alexander A. PETROV (Siberian Federal University, Russia), Could Conflicts of Legal Rules Create Normative Gaps? ¦abstract¦

Svan RELAC (University of Zagreb, Croatia), Argumentum a contrario and Implicatures in Law ¦abstract¦


Coffee break (18:15 – 18:30)

Panel V: State Responsibility and Borders (18:00 – 19:00) [moderator: Svan Relac]

Ivan ŠIMONOVIĆ (University of Zagreb, Croatia), Responsibility of States for Atrocity Crimes Prevention ¦abstract¦

Duško VRBAN (University of Osijek, Croatia), Borders as an Interdisciplinary Problem: Territoriality and Identity – Past and Present ¦abstract¦


Dinner (20:00)


FRIDAY, September 14

Panel VI: Rule of Law (9:00 – 11:00) [moderator: Matej Avbelj]

John A. GEALFOW (Masaryk University, Czech Republic), The Rule of Law in the Context of Anglo-American Jurisprudence ¦abstract¦

Jānis PLEPS (University of Latvia, Latvia), Good Legislation: Sovereignty of Legislator v. Rule of Law ¦abstract¦

Héctor A. Morales ZUÑIGA (University of Graz, Austria), Is Legal Cognitivism a Sort of Bullshit? ¦abstract¦

Matija ŽGUR, (University of Ljubljana, Slovenia), State of Emergency in Slovenia: A Legal Theoretical Analysis of Some of Its Problems ¦abstract¦


Coffee break (11:00 – 11:15)

Panel VII: Epistemology, Legal Reasoning, and Interpretation (11:15 – 13:15) [moderator: Marin Keršić]

Giovanni TUZET (Bocconi University, Italy), Epistemic and Practical Concerns: When You Can’t Meet Both ¦abstract¦

Tomáš GÁBRIŠ (University of Bratislava, Slovakia), Compliance and Rule-Following under Legal Uncertainty: Towards a Theory of Legal Casuistry? ¦abstract¦

Marko NOVAK (The European Faculty of Law in Nova Gorica, Slovenia), Multimodal Reconstruction of a Very Unclear Legal Case ¦abstract¦

Bojan SPAIĆ (University of Belgrade, Serbia), The Institutional Turn in Contemporary Theories of Legal Interpretation ¦abstract¦


Lunch (13:30 – 15:00)

Panel VIII: Consciousness, Normativity, Functions, and Conventionalism (15:00 – 17:00) [moderator: Tomáš GÁBRIŠ]

Tomasz BEKRYCHT (University of Lodz, Poland), Will and the Normativity of Law ¦abstract¦

Damir BANOVIĆ (University of Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina), Does a Law have Social Functions? ¦abstract¦

Marcin MATCZAK (University of Warsaw, Poland), Non-Lewisian Conventionalism and Law ¦abstract¦

Mario KREŠIĆ (University of Zagreb, Croatia), Ross’ Concept of the Legal Consciousness and the Deliberate Normative Change ¦abstract¦


Coffee break (17:00 – 17:15)

Panel IX: Rights, Principles and Ideology (17:15 – 19:00) [moderator: Ivan Padjen]

Ivana TUCAK (University of Osijek, Croatia), Hohfeld’s Analytical Scheme and Constitutional Civil and Political Rights ¦abstract¦

Wojciech CISZEWSKI (Jagiellonian University, Poland), Conscientious Exemptions and Judgments Contested within Religious Traditions ¦abstract¦

Tatiana MACHALOVÁ, Jakub VALC (Masaryk University, Czech Republic), Zum Verhältnis von Menschenwürde und Lebensrecht. Kritische Bemerkungen zu gegenwärtigen Tendenzen in der Rechtsinterpretation der Menschenwürde ¦abstract¦


Dinner (20:00)